Favored to Give

Giving online is safe, secure, and easy.

Bank Transfer

Favor Church
BSB: 064 006
Account: 0090 4404

Favor Church
BSB: 684 897
Account: 0090 4404

Credit/Debit Card

Give securely via Tithely. Please select “Tithe” from the dropdown menu.

Square/Apple Pay

Give securely via Square. You may also set up your monthly giving here. 


Give securely via Paypal.

You will be redirected to the Paypal site.

Serve Our City

This Christmas, we’re partnering with Fishers of Men to bring hope to homeless people across Brisbane.

Give in USD

Favor Church Global now accepts giving from the US or in US dollars through Favor Foundation USA, which is a registered non-profit organization with a 501(c)(3) exemption.

All giving made through our portal will be issued a tax receipt and are eligible for tax deduction.

Bank Transfer

JP Morgan Chase Bank
Account Name: Favor Foundation USA Inc.
Account Number: 699 709 021
Routing Number: 021000021

Credit/Debit Card

*giving portal will open up in a new window 

Why We Give

At Favor Church, we give out of conviction, not compulsion. We believe in the Biblical model of tithing and bring offerings, and we want to honor God with our finances and our generosity. At our church, we value generosity and living with an open hand – we are blessed so that we can be a blessing!

Want to give cryptocurrency?

Copy Token ID

Scan the QR code to send to our Metamask wallet, or copy the Token ID below.

Copy Token ID